
Showing posts from May, 2021

Integrity, Intuition, and God

  21 May 2021 Integrity, Intuition, and God Do I live each day thoughtlessly , just because it happens , Or just so I can tick off boxes of adventure, achievement, and much more, Like the chance to see someone or some s pecial place yet again? Do I re ally need to do all this before leaving for the other shore? W hy am I so desperate to plan what the future brings, Instead of relaxing and letting the days unfold as they will? Do I hope that having definite plans will push endings and death away, That having too much to do is better than having time to kill? The answer to my confusion about direction, purpose, and meaning Is perhaps found by considering integrity, intuition, and God, And thus opening to the complexit ies and myster ies of life Perhaps not to completely understand,...

The Greatest Adventure of All

  6 May 2021 The Greatest Adventure of All If the idea of living with fun, play, creativity and curiosity frightens us Because we fear such frivolous and selfish behaviour will lead to our downfall, Perhaps this slogan God in her wisdom created to guide us will help: It says simply: ‘Life is an adventure, or nothing at all.’ So what is an adventure, and what makes it so important, That we should change from being serious and responsible to become merry fools? Adventure is truly cherishing all the mystery and possibilit ies of life With pushing aside boundaries and doing things differently as our tools. One path to adventure is through seeking danger and risk, Exploring our limits, both physical and mental with joy, Certainly adventure can also be found nearby and more simply, When we let fun, play, creativity and curiosity lead us to what we enjoy. Curiosity help s us appreciate the beauty and complexity of life, As we expand our aw...

Integrity, Hubris – and Play, Fun, Creativity and Curiosity

  30 April 2021 Integrity, H ubris – and P lay, F un, C reativity and C uriosity If we are learning to live with play, fun, creativity, and curiosity In order to open more fully to God’s plans for her creation, Then we should also consider how integrity and hubris fit Into our understanding of how we can truly search for salvation. Our h ubris is destroy ing the world as we have dec ided we’re superior To all other creatures, and have the right to rule and control them all, We completely fail to see th at complexity and connections Support and s ustain us all: a truly a tragic case of pride before a fall. Filling our lives with fun and curiosity to find out how we are entangled , And using the creativity of play to discover new ways of viewing life Would help us escape the trap of aimply accepting the simple answers An d open us to looking at new possibilities that might lessen our strife. Finding i ntegrity, the search for wholeness thr...