Integrity, Intuition, and God


21 May 2021

Integrity, Intuition, and God

Do I live each day thoughtlessly, just because it happens,

Or just so I can tick off boxes of adventure, achievement, and much more,

Like the chance to see someone or some special place yet again?

Do I really need to do all this before leaving for the other shore?

Why am I so desperate to plan what the future brings,

Instead of relaxing and letting the days unfold as they will?

Do I hope that having definite plans will push endings and death away,

That having too much to do is better than having time to kill?

The answer to my confusion about direction, purpose, and meaning

Is perhaps found by considering integrity, intuition, and God,

And thus opening to the complexities and mysteries of life

Perhaps not to completely understand, but so I don’t live as a confused fraud.

Integrity suggests that we all have a place in our hearts

Where there is a reality that is not dependent on having and doing,

But a wholeness from which we can open fully to life

With fun and play, naturally, and gently, without stewing.

My intuition is my intimate inner connection with God

An inner personal sensing and knowing of what I should do each day,

It reaches beyond any rational view that I have of how the world works:

And is a hidden, compelling feeling of how I can best live, enjoy, and play.

As our confused, insane, and troubled world that totally lacks direction,

Becomes increasingly focused on greed, denying death, and celebrating fear,

My inner voice is shouting all is well, be at peace, and let it all unfold,

And celebrate the beauty and richness of life itself – it’s time for a joyful cheer.

For somehow despite the destruction and confusion that our approaching ending may entail,

Our dying civilisation will leave an enhanced energy of curiosity, creativity, play, and fun

That is born of our joy for life, unaffected by our failure to survive and grow forever.

Thus we will complete another cycle of life, as we celebrate that we are truly one.


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