The Greatest Adventure of All


6 May 2021

The Greatest Adventure of All

If the idea of living with fun, play, creativity and curiosity frightens us

Because we fear such frivolous and selfish behaviour will lead to our downfall,

Perhaps this slogan God in her wisdom created to guide us will help:

It says simply: ‘Life is an adventure, or nothing at all.’

So what is an adventure, and what makes it so important,

That we should change from being serious and responsible to become merry fools?

Adventure is truly cherishing all the mystery and possibilities of life

With pushing aside boundaries and doing things differently as our tools.

One path to adventure is through seeking danger and risk,

Exploring our limits, both physical and mental with joy,

Certainly adventure can also be found nearby and more simply,

When we let fun, play, creativity and curiosity lead us to what we enjoy.

Curiosity helps us appreciate the beauty and complexity of life,

As we expand our awareness of the sacredness of all things,

While creativity encourages us to express our sense of awe

Through looking at life differently, and letting our hearts sing.

These feelings of excitement and joy in the adventures of life,

Are definitely not limited to those able and willing to travel afar.

They can be found everywhere and every day when we seek new ways of seeing,

And discovering the unexpected and unusual, to give our lazy lives a jar.

And as we become more aware and discover and enjoy more adventures

We will realise we all are fast approaching our greatest adventure of all.

Death, our journey into dimensions beyond those we can see on earth,

Will open amazing doors and possibilities when it is time to answer her call.

I still find it hard to truly believe that life and death are both part

Of amazing worlds we can explore through curiosity, creativity, fun and play,

And to stop dreading death as a mysterious ending to all that I know.

I hope focusing on adventure will help build trust, and keep my fears at bay.

Emphasising fun, play, curiosity and creativity in my life and enjoying the adventures this creates

Can guide me to living more openly, joyfully, and consciously on our complex and troubled earth,

As I discover and remember that within the challenges, each day contains many adventures

I will be able to greet the greatest adventure of all with the excitement and joy that it is worth.


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