Integrity, Hubris – and Play, Fun, Creativity and Curiosity


30 April 2021

Integrity, Hubris – and Play, Fun, Creativity and Curiosity

If we are learning to live with play, fun, creativity, and curiosity

In order to open more fully to God’s plans for her creation,

Then we should also consider how integrity and hubris fit

Into our understanding of how we can truly search for salvation.

Our hubris is destroying the world as we have decided we’re superior

To all other creatures, and have the right to rule and control them all,

We completely fail to see that complexity and connections

Support and sustain us all: a truly a tragic case of pride before a fall.

Filling our lives with fun and curiosity to find out how we are entangled,

And using the creativity of play to discover new ways of viewing life

Would help us escape the trap of aimply accepting the simple answers

And open us to looking at new possibilities that might lessen our strife.

Finding integrity, the search for wholeness through honesty

Respect for others at all times, and to the depths of our soul,

Need not be a serious task weighed down by responsibility,

But can be easily supported by fun and playfulness to reach our goal.

An awareness of integrity can help us examine the hubris in our lives,

And to playfully notice day by day whenever we think we know

That we are right and others are wrong, or stupid, or thoughtless,

And instead just relax, have fun, and go with the flow.

For as I journey into the complexities, joys, and beauty of life,

And continually discover new treasures, ideas, and ways of seeing,

I would like to always remember fun, play, curiosity and creativity,

And knowing that I don’t know, will lead me to experience integrity in being.


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