The Illusion of Life 26 March 2021
26 March 2021
The Illusion of Life
What if the concept of life itself is but an illusion
And there is absolutely no difference between being dead and alive?
Then everything on earth - soil, rocks, trees, and people are all equal,
And we are all part of nature, full of fun and joy: together we thrive.
Imagine a beginning rising from a magnificent energy
Driven to create by its overwhelming sense of play and fun,
That slowly evolved into a complex world full of marvels
All inter-meshed in the joys of curiosity, creativity, and just being one.
One creature, mankind, moved outside this beautiful, creative dance,
And began to greedily demand more and more at any cost,
And started to believe that people are all separate, independent individuals
Powered by ‘life’ which must be prolonged or tragically lost.
When our species decided it was superior to everything on earth
And there was no longer any need to respect the balance of life,
We created wonders impossible without the rape of the rest of the world:
This unfortunately will lead to the destruction of all after a time of strife.
There is still time to recover our sense of joy, play, unity and fun
Before we have to face the final reckoning from our carelessness and greed.
The path to regaining our sense of entanglement and unity with nature
Lies through releasing our fear of death, a fear there is no need to heed.
If we can begin to see that there is no difference between life and death
As we are never separate from the energies of the universe which gave us birth
Seamlessly and continuously everything transitions between this greater reality
And our home for curiosity, creativity, fun, joy play, that we call earth.
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