

20 November 2021


Contentment: wanting and needing nothing more than a connection to life

A space where we can truly open to what is

Or perhaps just an inner peace that brings a gentle smile?

Can contentment in life become our goal,

A keystone around which to structure our day?

We are all completely different in every possible way,

How we see the same scene, what we value and treasure,

How we reason, how we spend our time and energy,

What we love, what we hate, what we fear……….

And how we experience contentment.

Despite all these differences

Is there a magic to contentment in whatever form we experience it?

Can it be a link to the energy that unites mankind, nature and the universe

in mysterious ways?

In these confused, troubles and rapidly changing times,

Perhaps we can all let go as best we can,

And choose to be content with what we have, - seeking nothing more

And let the soft opening that ensues carry us gently deeper

into the mystery of life.

26 November 2021

My Three Enemies of Contentment

Three earthquakes keep rocking my world of contentment.

Fears that something imagined, or even worse, something completely unknown and unpredicted, is lurking around the corners of time and space to destroy me.

Self righteousness that only I can be right in what I believe brings waves of anger and annoyance at the utter stupidity of others – and my contentment disappears into a rage of imagined superiority

Greed, the feeling that I ‘need’ more and more, both in material goods, and in stimulation keeps me searching outside the spaces of my contentment.

How can I maintain my contentment in the face of these mighty

(and self-chosen) foes?

Can laughter, and thoughts of love and compassion for myself and for others help me return to my peaceful inner space?

And can I learn to live playfully, and with curiosity and creativity to truly live in the amazing, complex world in which we live?

Cradled by an inner contentment arising from my connection to the inner reality that connects all beings.


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