Rush of Time 12 Feb 2021

 19 February 2021

The Rush of Time

February is nearing its end, and autumn is arriving.

Summer and the past two months have flown by in a blink.

Why in the world is time continually flying faster and faster

And making the months disappear before we can even think?

Time is just a series of endings, and beginnings

From waking, through activities, sometimes full of fun.

But somehow in the rush of time, when we go to bed each night,

We lie awake and wonder what we really have done.

Often our first thoughts when we think of time racing past,

Are that we want, need, and must have more and more.

Trapped by our overwhelming fears that there is never enough time,

We focus on what we don’t have, and forget all that we adore.

Perhaps we first remember the bits that have hurt:

Disagreements, separation, sickness, and death,

And look at the world with all its troubles and confusion,

And wonder why we ever bother taking a breath.

And through all this pondering, time rushes on,

Completely disregarding our anxiety and distress.

And we fall into its unrelenting trap of ‘never enough’

A prison of unrelenting time forcing us to live in a passive mess.

But wait! Perhaps we can instead think more gently about time

Making it our friend, instead of letting it rule our lives.

We can stop complaining and worrying about fitting in all we can

When really we need simply to focus on what we makes us thrive.

Is it not time to hand over the control of our lives,

To that quiet inner voice, or to God, if you will,

And slowly learn that we can relax, and live with joy

Knowing that All is Well, when we accept, trust, and are still.


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