God's Game of Life 9 April 2021


9 April 2021

God’s Game of Life

God was in a mischievous mood when she made our world

Creating an amazing place to have fun, play, learn, and create

Marvellous inventions, and to explore and experience many things,

Knowing that the world need not endure, and that death is our inevitable fate.

Somehow as the excitement of our adventures grew, we lost the plot

And became fearful and greedy, wanting only more and more,

And left behind many of the simpler joys and excitements of life:

The joys of exploring, learning, and creating simple things, as life became a chore.

For if we focus from day to day on how to live long, while keeping safe,

And how not do anything risky or different because we fear loss and pain,

We begin to merely exist in self-made prisons of comfort and safety

As life becomes a burden to endure as we mindlessly let it wane.

And what of those who still somehow remember our gifts

Of play, fun, curiosity, and creativity that we may almost have lost,

Can we ever reclaim the joy of life itself, of pushing horizons aside,

And daring to open to a wider, beautiful world, with no worry about the cost.

Yes, the path mankind has taken during his short journey through time

Has meant that we have used more than our share, and must soon pay the price,

But does this looming disaster mean that we should stop living now

And pretend that in our imagined safety, we aren’t still skating on thin ice.

I would like to commit the limited time I have left on earth,

To living fully within one of the greatest paradoxes I know,

That life is a gift to be lived with joy, enthusiasm, curiosity, and energy

And yet to be ended in gratitude and peace, just trusting and going with the flow.


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