Seeking the Truth
5 February 2021
Seeking the Truth
What a wonderful world it would be,
If the Truth was always in one place,
So we knew exactly what to think and how to live,
And that we were absolutely right in every case.
There would be no more talk of misinformation,
Or worrying if something is just fake news,
We could live confidently and happily every day,
Knowing that we had the correct and acceptable views.
How would this world of the one and only Truth work
If everyone thought and acted just the same?
There could never be anything new or different
‘Cause it wouldn’t be the Truth - you'd end up in shame.
If the Truth said that the best life is with a computer
And that it is dangerous to work in the dirt,
How would we find anyone to make the computers,
Or to grow our food without getting hurt?
All our world changes and evolves continuously over time
So every day we must see and learn something new.
This wouldn’t work if there were a single Truth,
And it was wrong to think differently without creating much ado.
So the next time I hear something that sounds a bit strange
Though spoken by an expert who should know what is right
I should follow my heart and not necessarily his Truth
Knowing my reasons are possibly not within his expert sight.
There IS a great need for respect, reverence, and responsibility here
When considering the complexity of how our entangled world fits together.
We must be willing to embrace the many the different paths and truths
Needed to create our amazing world, including the beauty of a feather.
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