2021: The Year of Joy, Laughter and Gratitude


"Joy, laughter, and delight are so powerful because, like all mysticism, they abolish 

conventional divisions...

The often boisterous laughter, especially of women, is part and parcel of the everyday 

life of mystical movements. "

Dorothee Soelle's book: "The Silent Cry" with thanks to Anne Smith for the quote

2021: The Year of Joy, Laughter and Gratitude

How can I greet 2021 as a year of joy, laughter, and gratitude,

Knowing many challenges, and disasters, are looming this year,

Wouldn’t it be more sane and sensible just to expect the worst,

And bunker down in ‘safety’, filled with horror, and fear?

Do I have any right to hope for joy and laughter in my life?

I know that wishful thinking may blind me to the ‘real’ future that awaits.

How do I find the strength and courage to seek joy and laughter,

Knowing that much pain and misery may also be part of my fate?

I have no control over any of these coming calamities,

As they are complex, overwhelming, and impossible to stop,

I can enjoy exploring the mysteries and unfolding of these disasters,

Though this it still leaves me on an increasingly rapidly spinning top.

I can however choose to relax, trust, and enjoy the ride

Knowing I can always choose to find laughter and joy in simple things,

And gratitude that it is such an exciting and special time to be alive,

As I focus on adjusting to all the challenges that 2021 brings.

And a one word addendum from Martii: ‘ADJUST’


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