Let It Be


18 December 2020

Let It Be

Time: flying, twisting, creeping,

Stretching, stopping, and racing

Until it dances with laughter

As the memories of what has been,

The richness of what is,

And the infinite possibilities of tomorrow

Blend into one.

And through this laughter

We discover what really matters:

Connections to friends, family, and community,

All of which enrich our lives and let us share our laughter,

Curiosity, play, music, art, and creativity to keep our horizons expanding,

And our joy for life itself alive and growing.

And most of all, our amazing and complex earth and environment,

Which both support us and make our lives possible,

And link us to unseen realms of limitless potential.

Within all this, and still supported by the freeing power of laughter,

We acknowledge the magnificence of the mystery of it all

That lets us embrace our dance in time and space with all its many faces,

As we enter an unknowable and uncertain future

Grateful to be part of the unfolding drama,

And committed to just letting it be.


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