Have You Cleaned your Bliks Today??

 I found the concept of Bliks, and suggested it as the word of the week as it encapsulates a major challenge in how we live together - what information we base our lives on.  

30 October 2020

Have you cleaned your bliks today?

Prenote: Bliks are defined as ideas that are fundamental to how we see the world but often do not stand up to logical scrutiny. When analysing the effectiveness of bliks, some people say ‘just follow the science, or the experts’ – forgetting that there is no single truth or logic that suits everyone and all conditions, and that everyone, including experts, all have their own, sometimes ill-founded and undesirable, bliks colouring their ideas.

We must therefore take responsibility for our own bliks, and find our own way to create and maintain life-enhancing bliks for ourselves.

Did you know that your whole life is run by bliks?

Blinkers we choose to colour our conceptions of how life works in order to create personal worlds which suit our needs and beliefs?

Without careful, consistent, loving maintenance and cleaning,

Our bliks can build on our fears and the fears of others of the unknown, especially death, and on our innate greed and desire for security.

Slowly, subtly, and often without our noticing it,

our bliks can deaden our enthusiasm for life and rob us of joy and creativity.

Part of our responsibility to live as fully and openly as possible must therefore be a commitment to lovingly and gently each day clean our bliks both before we put them on, and then constantly reconsider them during the day.

This is easily done by frequently asking ourselves simple questions openly and with genuine curiosity

Does this thought make sense and support my ability to live openly and joyfully?’

And ‘is there another more life-enhancing way to view this, or to do this?’

In this way we can use our innate playfulness and creativity to gently look outside our boxes, extend our boundaries, and to open to the true beauty of our world, confident that our bliks are truly supporting our life journeys and honouring the privilege of being alive.


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