Harmony, Hubris, Fear – and Contentment
4 J une 2021 Harmony, Hubris, Fear – and Contentment Harmony is uniting and coming together to create and celebrate our connections, And recognising that our seemingly disparate world is in reality a balanced whole. We sense harmony in music when notes magically combine to enrich the overall sound Similarly, as I learn to focus on harmony in everyday life, it will truly enrich my soul. Should the creating and honouring of harmonies be an important goal our lives ? Instead of focusing on fostering and nurturing our solitary selves, Is it more healing to focus on connecting and uniting with all other beings, And the totality o f nature, past, present and future, even elves For as we reach beyond the limits of our narrow perceptions, And open to the universal harmonies that stretch across space and time W e will discover the hubris and fears that work to keep harmony from s ight A ...