Warp and Weft of Life 2 April 2021


2 April 2021

Warp and Weft of Life

When we think of the fabric of life, (if we think of the nature of life at all)

We may well see unhappiness and hard work as its base,

With the warp made from virtuous hardships of pain and toil,

Woven together by a weft of fear and strife that keeps us separate from grace.

Instead of this pained and embattled picture of entangled confusion,

Perhaps we can refocus on what makes life full of splendor,

And see a warp of fun and play, with a weft of curiosity and creativity

Forming a fabric that truly celebrates life’s mysteries and wonder.

How does knowing that the foundation of our lives is play and fun,

Enriched and held together by creativity and curiosity, full of joy

Change how we feel our connections to everything that exists

From the smallest particle, through the earth itself, to every girl and boy?

Curiosity, enhanced by play and fun, forms questions, and leads us

As we try to see and understand how our amazing earth works:

The many whys and hows that everything is connected and supported

By an entangled web of mysteries and marvels with all their quirks.

Creativity, rising out of an unfettered mood of play and fun,

Expands on these treasures our curious minds have found,

And develops them into ideas and creations we cannot envisage

Without experimenting with fun and play as our basic ground.

And it is only through focusing on this freedom of fun and play,

Instead of the determined, serious work and effort to succeed,

That we can find the freedom to experience who we truly are

And live fully, openly, joyfully, and hopefully free from greed


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