Ode to Flexibility
1 2 February 2021 Ode to Flexibility Is it our main joy for each day that we awake Having planned everything we will do that day, What and when we will eat, who we will meet, And with time blocked out for exercise, fun and play? We are confident that we know all that will happen And we have carefully limited the risks we will face, And that each evening we can happily head to bed With the coming day planned in detail, just in case. Do we ever consider that we do pay a large price For so diligently seeking safety, security and peace of mind, A re we forgetting the complexity and unpredictability of life, When we force it to fit whatever mould that we find? Would it be better to just to let life unfold as it will And to rejoice when our plans suddenly change, as they do, Thus reminding us that our entangled, interacting world Can provide more delight and marvels than we ever knew? Sure, there are many risks involved by liv...