Musings with ‘Co’ Words

 For this week's poem. I found myself thinking about words starting with 'Co'

13 November 2020

Musings with ‘Co’ Words

Why is my heart in Conflict

And Confusion rules my life?

Can I openly Confront my fears,

Or must I Concede to them, and live in strife?

I need to find the Courage

To openly Communicate within,

And Collaborate within myself

To find a deeper Commitment beneath the din.

My Conflict says ‘the Worlds in a terrible mess’

And utterly Confused, I live in terror,

Unable to Connect with my inner knowing

That I should Concede that these fears are in error.

I need Courage to look at the simple truth

That I should Communicate with knowings I cannot see

To let my inner life become a Collaboration,

And a Commitment to open to love, and to be truly free.

My inner Conflict continues to flourish,

Confused, annoyed, screaming, and loud,

Don’t Confront that which you cannot see

If you Concede, you’ll end up in a shroud.

I would like to find the Courage

To Communicate openly with all life can give

And thus let all of creation Collaborate

To support my Commitment to fully live.

For the energies of nature, music, water,

Laughter, sunshine and many, many more

Can heal my Conflict and Confusion

And help me open that inner door.

I may never find words for what I find there,

As mere words limit us to a world of fear

A Commitment to look deeper within

Will reach a place that seems far, but in reality is near.


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