13 October 2020

A Frog’s Outlook on Life

The frog calls rrooop, rrooop, rrooop

I’m here, I’m alive, All is Well”

I listen and reply with joy,

I hear you! – but who can tell...

We both live in this world

And both laugh, shout, and sing

With joy and wonder in all we see

But – who knows what the future will bring!

Rrooop. Rrooop, rrooop, Let it be.

I have no need to know

If tomorrow I can sing again

I trust, and go with the flow.

Perhaps you can also be free

Of your need to control your life,

And like me, enjoy your own pond

Full of beauty and free from strife.

I don’t want to live in a tiny pond.

I want to enjoy everything I can

And joyfully fill the world

With everything available to man.

Rrooop. Rrooop, rrooop, that sounds to me

Like a rapid path to confusion

As you struggle to include everything

Only to find your life is an illusion.

I believe we all have our own tiny ponds

Where we can learn and grow

And explore the world in all its glory

And live fully to the end of our show.

But the magic of our ponds only works

For those who can live and share

Their joy that life goes on until it ends

and then, Who cares???


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